Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day Falafels!

I came across a fellow Texan blogger and have rather enjoyed his Blog. You should check Jim's Blog at Texas Stream of Consciousness - if just for the occasional recipes.

Anyway, he has this falafel recipe that I have been meaning to try out for a couple of weeks.... and I need to say, "Cudos Jim!" I had a little problem with them breaking apart in a patty form, either needed to add more bread crumbs or eggs - I just made smaller patty's, that helped too. However I must say that Cumin is my new favorite spice. It was sealed when I bought it, but when I opened it I had to stop and just inhale the flavorful aroma. I started to kindda laugh at myself inhaling it....the movie "Blow" came to mind...need to make a couple of lines and snort it.
Inspite of them breaking apart everyone said they tasted great, yet the real testament came when everyone went back for seconds! I was a little surprized, my family does not always appreciate my culinary experiments.

Thanks Jim, you are my new pal....keep the recipe's coming!


Jim said...

JC, I am so glad you and yours enjoyed them!

Oh, snorting Cumin, you might be on to something! LOL

JC said...

Well I don't think it is fattening or illegal, at least in Texas...

Jefftexas said...

I felt that way when I discovered coriander!

Hope you have a great weekend, Jeff

JC said...

Thanks Jeff, yes coriander was nice, but I never really had a moment like that before - LOL. I guess we need to have spice sniffin' party
Good Luck with that job interview, I hope you survive that screen process and get the job!