Wednesday, December 20, 2006


My aunt is a very educated ~68 yr. woman, computer savvy, retired Middle School Texas History teacher who has about 3 books published. ...but why does she forward this crap...

The subject line was:
"Fwd: FW: FW: We're gonna be R I C H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Money Angel

This is a money angel

Pass it to 6 of your good friends,or family and be rich in 4 Days.
Pass it to 12 of your good friends.or family and be rich in 2 Days.

I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall.
If you delete it, you will beg.

Trust me!!!

Ok, let's 'anal-yize' this:
1. Note the subject line with not one, nor two, or even three carefully placed exclamation marks to indicate importance and emphasis.
2. The alluring animated GIF.
3. followed by the threat of breaking the chain.
4. The illiterate (did I spell that right) use of peroids and commas in the Pass it On sentences...
5. Now, considering the numerous times it has been forwarded,you know it has been over 4 days since those first people sent it. I wonder if I emailed them and ask if it was really true, have they reaped their windfall yet? ...or was it really the scam my jaded opinion has labeled this as... or am I just a fuddy-duddy that has missed the humor and frivolity of it.

I'm sorry that is just the kid of person I am - non-conformist with an angelic facade (lol). I have no shame in breaking the chain thus preventing my aunt from obtaining her rightful windfall.

Hummm, maybe I should just forward this one cause if once she gets her millions maybe she'll not forward stupid chain letters to me electronically anymore cause she will have found better things to do.

You know, now that I look back at it, it only says you will be RICH!!!!...!!! It did not qualify that with what you will be rich in...I think it may be richly endowed with spam mail and not money like the GIF and Title lead you to believe...

Sorry Aunt Doris, it's going to the bit bucket. You'll have to live on Teacher Retirement a little longer.

Your Loving Nephew,


Jim said...

A long time ago I set up a 'rule' in Microsoft Outlook to send anything starting with more than one 'FW:' straight to the junk mail folder.

Now I never see this kind of crap :)

JC said...

Good Idea, I think i will check into that...

Chox said...

I deleted a Money Angel once and ended up with syphilis. You're on your own, baby.

JC said...

Oh dang, i thought I had just gotten Athlete's feet in the wrong place...
Thanks for the heads up Delmore

Brad Phipps said...

"I'm sorry that is just the kid of person I am - non-conformist"


And to think that you made fun of others that cannot spell.

"Those that live in glass houses..."