Friday, August 17, 2007


I was asked to play music at this funeral, I can not imagine the grief the family must be dealing with....
Hey let's go out and have one last fun weekend before school starts back up, what a great family outting to have it end like this ....scarey

Hug you loved ones, you just never know.


Jim said...

Wow, that is sad, sad, sad. But the article is correct, it is extremely rare to contract.

JC said...

It was a very moving ceremony. Jack, the boy, was on a LaCrosse team. His whole team was there in their jerseys... Their coach give the Dad his son's Jersey. Very touching gesture and remembrance.

That was when I started tearing up cause my son also play LaCrosse and I know how close the families get.

What a tough thing for a parent to have to bury a child that has made such an impression on family and friends.

...but when you have faith in a higher being, you know life on earth is temporary and you really live to die well... I heard that on a PBS show this week. I believe it was attached to the philosophy of the Bosque region of Spain/France, I was only half listening while doing other things... yet if you think about it - it is a nice sentiment. If I die well, I will go to the better of two options :-)

Chris said...

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Regards, Chris
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