Sunday, September 21, 2008

I will be glad when this wkend is over

Well, I didn't expect the Aggies to beat Miami, but I didn't think that they would make themselves look so bad either. I figured we would loose by two scores and we were still competitive to the the 3 qtr. they just gave away two touchdowns early due to errors and dug a hole they could get out of....
What a depressing weekend this has turned out to be!

My daughter's best friend has been living with us (rent free - that was our graduation present to her) since she graduated from nursing school in May and got a job working at the local hospital. Her mom moved to Houston while she was in college - that is one reason for the arrangement. She moved out this weekend. I thought she left a nice thank you note, but 'the wife' could find reason to find fault in it. What a surprize - that is one of the things I really hate about her and just drives yet another wedge between us that I don't see can be (or don't want to) repair.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Life sucks and then you die

Today has been the shits...
First off, i forgot my phone at home.
Arrived at work for TeleConf. @10 and dialed in ahead of time. About 5 mins past start time they finally bothered to tell us the callin number changed.
There were charts they were sharing over the internet and the presenter did not know he was suppose to advance the screens, someone finally spoke up on screen 5 that our view was not changing.
I work with idiots sometime - "Plans, we don't need no stinking plans!"
That mtg was only planned for 1 hr... lasted to 1pm... at least that was when I left.
Got back from lunch to learn that a mtg was called 30 mins ago to review the mtg that took so long...
and then 'the wife' called me to tell me she got laid off from work...

Life sucks sometimes

Thursday, September 18, 2008

OMG! Is Austin going to have a FALL Season this year?

After the cold front pushed IKE east of Austin, I figured it would be just another ONE DAY of 'cool-ish temps.' and then back to 90+ degrees in the waning Dog Days of Summer which usually last until Christmas. Indian Summer is putting it lightly. Yet it is still cool today!

Today was the first morning I got to ride the Vectrix into work and I had to zip my jacket up to the neck and I was thinking I need to either find the glove my Son lost or buy new gloves...
I was sortta thinking I would be able to just wait and put it on my Christmas Wish list, but now I don't know...

Other event: Went to Sargent, TX to see if the house was still there. We had heard reports about Sargent Beach having sustained the worst damage in 100 yrs, so we weren't sure what to expect... Luckily the house only lost the cable tv dish which we found on the side of the house and the down stairs was probably under about 2 inches of water the best we could tell and this house is one mile from the beach...
There was a lot of 'flotsom' from trees, piers and houses scattered in the yard so you could tell about where the water line was...
We drove to the beach and any house that was not on a bluff lost the first floor if not more. The storm surge must have pushed the walls and garage doors out... in those houses the top story usually survived. If the land the house sat on was 'beach level' there usually was more damage...
The beach is another story... there is no sand. It is all gone...much like they saw at Galveston. Before: About event 50 yards there were picnic cabanas with 'really' heavy cement tables and benches that had little driveways to park a couple of cars on... well, use to have a little driveways... now they are even smaller - if there at all - maybe get one car on and is four to six feet about the surrounding ground. The surge ate the dunes and excavated about 4 to 6 feet of beach sand down to the clay base. The beach use to extend about 30 - 50 ft from the Cabanas to the water, now is maybe 15-20 ft.
What's that bible verse about building houses on shifting sand!
We noticed that most of the tables survived, but may be moved, most of the benches might still be there, but no longer in the cabana.

Just lucky...thank God! yet, even here, there is going to be a lot of clean up - 45 miles S. of Galveston.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Last of the Family Contacted

Finally got my brother, they do not have Electricity in Conroe area and all the cell phones died. They got a generator yesterday, but don't expect to get Electricity until 29th.... they are hoping that date is an exaggeration and will be sooner, but didn't want to tell people a date too soon and not make it.
Let's see it hit the 13th and will be 29th before they get Electricity again - geeze. That means the well isn't pumping water either.

But it was basically good news, the house withstood the winds and none of the tall pine trees fell on the roof, but it did leak a little.

Thank God for keeping them safe...

My son stayed in College Station and even though they were on the 'dry side' of Ike - they still got 3.5 inches of rain and flooded the yards.

Austin was breezy and warm - not a drop of rain and we really could have used 3.5 inches

Wha tis crazy is Ingleside - Port Aransas way down by Corpus experienced flooding from the waves of the storm surge making it all the way down south to Padre Island... I hear the Island had some flooding, but my Mom wasn't specific.

Hope if you have family and friends in the area that they are all OK

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Smooth Sailing and Rough Waters at the same time

It only took a few days to get the Vectrix repaired and I have been afraid to jinx it, but things have been going rather well with it lately...
Meanwhile, my son's EVT-4000e's charger when on the fritz! Suppose to hear from the dealer today about when the new replacement will be's been two weeks trying to get that info!

We are going to head South tomorrow to Matagorda and see if the house is still there...
The report was Sargent sustained the worse damage in many years with Ike, but it was not anything like Galveston... We just finished a renovation on the exterior too...geeze - with any luck it will still be there.

Still haven't heard from my brother in Conroe... I am hoping it is just that they are busy recovering/recooping...